With Congress at the halfway point in its 2023 session it is a good time to review major initiatives that may pass before the end of the year. Here is
Continue Reading Assessing the 2023 Congressional Agenda
Our Take on the Latest from Washington
Greg D. Noll is a legislative assistant in Greenberg Traurig's federal Government Law & Policy Practice in Washington, D.C.
˘ Not admitted to practice law.
With Congress at the halfway point in its 2023 session it is a good time to review major initiatives that may pass before the end of the year. Here is…
Continue Reading Assessing the 2023 Congressional AgendaThis week Congress finished its work for the year by passing a two-bill package that will avoid a government shutdown and extend several expiring tax provisions. President Trump signed each…
Continue Reading Non-Appropriations Provisions of the FY2020 Spending Deal
House Democrats, led by Speaker Nancy Pelosi, have opened a formal impeachment inquiry into the activities of President Donald Trump. Historically, impeachment proceedings have sent Congress’ productivity into a tailspin,…
Continue Reading Will an Impeachment Inquiry Get in the Way of USMCA?